C++ Early History

Lots of Programming Languages appeared during the 1960.The Computer at that time was still in early stage. The Language ALGOL 60 was developed as an alternative to FORTRAN. The Language CPL(combined programming language) was developed in 1963.It was very difficult to learn these Languages. Martin Richards developed BCPL (Basic Compbined Programming Language) in 1967 that was simplification of CPL.
Ken Thomsan created B language in 1970. C language was derived from B Language. The B language provided the basic for the development of C.

History Of C

C Language was originally designed to write system under UNIX Operating System. The Power and flexibility of C language made it popular in industry for wide range of application.
The Earlier version of C was known as K&R (Kernighan and Ritche) C. The American National Standard Insttitute (ANSI) developed a standard version of the language. The standard version is  known as ANSI C. This new version provided many features that were not available in other Older Version.
Bjarne Strostrup from Bell Labs started the development of C++ language in 1980.
Bjarne stroustrup cpp
Bjarne stroustrup cpp

It was originally named “C with Classes”. It was an enhancement to C Language. It allows the use of programming techniques known as object oriented programming (OOP).

Early history of C++

Language was refined during 1980 and it became a unique Computer Language. It was very much compatible with the code of C and provided the most important characteristics of C. ANSI committee X3J16 been the development of specific standard for C++ from 1990.

In mid-1998 ,ANSI/ISO C++ language standard were approved. This standard is used by most of the compilers use today to compile programs. The Language became very popular and now it is the preferred language to develop professional application on all platform.

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