Programming Languages

A set of words, symbols and codes used to write programs is called Programming  Language. Many programming Language are available. We can write different program through programming languages.
For example Business Programs, Scientific program etc.

Type of computer programming languages.
1.Low level Languages
2.High level languages.

Low level languages

These languages are near to computer Hardware.If we want to write a program we have knowledge
about internal structure of computer is not easy to understand for human.Computer
understand this language esily.

Types of low level languages
1.Machine languages
2.Assembly languages

Machine language

In machine languages instruction are written in binary form .Program written in Machine languages
executed very fast.

Assembly Language

It is a low level language.It is used symbols instead of binary code.Example Add instruction is used
for add two numbers.

High level languages

A type of languages than is close to human language is called high level language.It is easy to
High level languages are divided into further categories.
1.       Procedural Languages.
2.       Object Oriented Languages.
3.       Non Procedural Languges.

Procedural Languages

In these languages program is a predefined set  of instruction.
For example:
ü  Forton
ü  Basic
ü  Cobol
ü  Pascal
ü  C

Object Oriented Programing

It is also known as OOP .OOP is a technique in which programs are written on the basis of object.
o   Jave
o   C++
Non-Procedural Languages

In non-procedural languages user only needs to tell the computer “what to do”not “how to do”.These languages are not used by non-techncal user to perform a specific task.
o   SQL
o   RPG

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