Features Of C++

Main features of C++.

Features of CPP
Features OF C++

Some important features of C++ are as follows:

  • C++ is Convenient Language

C++ is a very convenient Language. It provides many facilities in easier way that are difficult to use in low-level language. Programmers can write complex programs more easily as compared to low-level language.
  • Well-Structured Language

C++ is a well-structured language. Its syntax is very easy to understand. The program written in C++ language is easy to maintain and modify.
  • Case Sensitivity

C++ is case sensitive language. It means that it can differentiate uppercase and lowercase words. All keywords are written in lowercase. This feature makes it easier to maintain the source code.
  • Machine Independence

C++ language provides machine independence. It means that the program written in C++ language can be executed on different types of computers. For example, a program written in C++ can be executed on Intel processors and Motorola processors with a little modification. It is preferable to write program in C++ rather than Machine Language.
  • Object Oriented

C++ is an object-oriented language. In object-oriented techniques, the programs are written on the basis of the object. An object is a collection of data and functions. Object may represent a person thing or place in real world. In OOP, data and all possible functions on data are grouped together. Object oriented programs are easier to learn and modify.
  • Modular Programming

C++ language provides the facility of modular programming. It means that a program can be divided into small modules. These modules can be developed and compiled independently and then linked together.
  • Standard Libraries

The standard C++ library is a set of functions, constants, classes and object to extend C++ language. It provides the basic functionality to interact with the Operating Systems. These libraries can be reused by any programmer for writing programs more easily in less time.
  • Hardware Control

C++ language provides close control on hardware. The programmer can write efficient program to control hardware components of Computer system.
  • Brevity

C++ is a small language. It has a small number of keywords programming controls. But still it is easy powerful for developing different types of programs. The code written in C++ is very short as compared with other languages.
  • Speed

C++ compilers generate very fast code. The resulting code from a C++ compilation is very efficient. This code executes very efficiently. So the programs take less time to execute.
  • Popular Language

C++ is very widely used programming language. There are many tools available for C++ programming and broad base of programmers contributing to C++ community.
  • C Compatibility

C++ is backward compatible with C language. Any code written in C can easily be included in a C++ program without making any change.


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