9 Steps To Create A Blog On Blogger

9 easy steps to create  a Blog on Blogger 

Charis Grosser Said “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.”
Blogger is a free platform to start a Blog, Google bought blogger in 2003. It is the earliest blogging service providers, it now supports many blog sites on the Internet, with more than 1.50 million new posts and comments being published everyday.  User must have a Gmail or Google Plus Account Because, Blogger is own by Google. Google AdSense is integrated with Blogger by default so; making money through blogging is just a piece of cake.
Let’s Create your Own Blog.

Steps to Create a Blog:

Create blog on blogger

Step No1.

Creating a blog on blogger first you should have a Gmail Account , if you have no Gmail Account Go and create it. After that Go to blogger.com and Click on sign In button on the right Top corner.

steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Enter you Email and Passowrd.

steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Click on create a blog then a window in open like in image
steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Write a title of your blog. Your blog title should reflect what you will be writing about. For example I want to create a health blog .
steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Enter address in address bar your address should reflect your niche. For example my Niche is women health and fitness so I should write the related address for my bog.  It will attract the users. Select the theme what you like.
steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Now your blog is ready for creation Click on create blog in below
steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Now your blog is published on blogger to create a new post Click on New post button.

steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Write you post title which is minimum 7 to 8 that reflect you post body. Click on below white box it is body area write your blog post and click on publish button to publish you first blog post.

steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog


Congrats! your first post published now click view blog to see your blog.

steps to create a blog
steps to create a blog

If you face any problem comment below I will quick reply.


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